Feeding the Birds on Shabbat Shirah

Feeding the Birds on Shabbat Shirah


Who’s excited to attend Shabbat Shirah tonight at Temple’s Seattle campus? We are! This Shabbat, we will honor the Song of the Sea, sung by the Israelites after they crossed the Red Sea and gained their freedom from Pharaoh. Did you know that we are also encouraged to feed the birds on Shabbat Shirah? In today’s blog post, we honor this tradition by making birdhouses and edible bird feeders!

What you will need:

  • A bird house (purchased at a local craft store)
  • Markers, paint, pompoms
  • One pipe cleaner
  • Fruit loops


  1. Decorate your birdhouse with materials that you have around the house! Whether it’s markers, pompoms, paint or even flowers – your child will have a blast decorating!
  2. Take a pipe cleaner, and have your child string it with fruit loops! This is your “bird feeder!”
  3. Attach the bird feeder to your birdhouse, and you have a fun afternoon craft!

Share a photo of your Shabbat Shirah birdhouse and feeder on our Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/jrmpreschool