Last week’s Torah portion was about when Abraham and Sarah warmly welcomed guests into their home. Whether it’s welcoming someone into their home, into their classroom, or inviting the new child to play, hospitality is a form of...
MoreStruggling with Toddler Tantrums
Providing Connections to a Jewish Value
Process Oriented Art in Preschool: Why it Matters
At Jennifer Rosen Meade Preschool, we know how important play is for a child’s development. And we know that as teachers, we can ensure that the play happening at JRM Preschool is making the most of these learning opportunities for our children...
MoreJRM Preschool: Child-Centered Learning in the Heart of Bellevue
New year, new families, new website and here I am, new to the school this year as well. Hi! My name is Shannon Solomon and was hired over the summer as the Early Childhood Education Director at Jennifer Rosen Meade Preschool in Bellevue, WA. I’m...